12 PM to 1:30 PM IST
Virtual Round Table Discussion & Q&A Session
Opening Remarks
One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
Share your experiences on mentioned topic, operation challenges and expected solutions required
Discussion Topic & Details-
What Indian Privacy Law (DPDP) means for Businesses?
Join this roundtable to understand how the new law has impacted the business, and what steps need to be taken to comply with the law. Join the discussion on
Consent Management
Maintaining a defensible data inventory
Managing data subject access requests
Managing third-party risks
Data retention and minimization
01:30 PM – 01:35 PM IST
Closing Remarks & Thank You Note

Key Speakers

Virtual Round Table Discussions
“Thank you, Events 4 Sure team, to organize such a wonderful event. This is the first in-person conference with a lot of attendance today. We really have got value for money and have also made fantastic connections with top level General Counsel and Law firm Partners for our business development objectives. Social media campaigns have been robust.”

Wendy Robinson
Senior Advisor
"This was a fantastic event. I had the opportunity to meet a lot of people, including privacy experts and professionals from the legal services industry. I am looking forward to meeting even more people at upcoming events."

Matthew Tullet
Legal Solution Specialist, Thomson Reuters
"The presentation sounds highly informative, and it's wonderful that you had the opportunity to share your insights with the event attendees. Early mediation is a compelling subject in the legal industry, and your perspective on the significance of commercial solutions is truly valuable. Thank you for sharing your experience at the Global Legal ConfEx & Law Tech Exhibition."

Michael Peer
Head of Dispute Advisory, South East Asia at PwC