Litigation. E-discovery. Contracts Management. Document Management. Data Privacy. Cyber Security. Risk. Compliance. Governance. Regulatory Affairs. Arbitration. Dispute Management. Forensics Investigations. Fraud & Corruption. White-Collar Crime. M&A. Legal Translation. Cloud Computing. Blockchain. AI. Legal Technology.

Über die Veranstaltung
Die Live-Events (Diskussionsformat am runden Tisch) bringen sinnvollere Kommunikation und Business-Networking an den Tisch. General Counsel auf höchster Ebene, Leiter der Rechts-/IP-Abteilungen und Partner von Anwaltskanzleien diskutieren die operativen Herausforderungen in der Covid-19-Ära, lernen von Kollegen und erwarten auch die Lösungen mit den ausgewählten Dienstleistern.

Key Speakers

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Central European Time (CET) | 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM London Time
Virtual Round Table Discussion & Q&A Session
Opening Remarks
One-on-One Introduction: Let the industry know you and your expertise
Share your experiences on mentioned topic, operation challenges and expected solutions required
Discussion Topic & Details-
Insourcing E-Discovery? Roundtable Discussion on the Benefits of Bringing Your E-Discovery Processes In-house
Organisations can achieve substantial benefits from performing part of the eDiscovery process in-house. They can reduce their external legal spend by relying on in-house teams to preserve, collect, and even review electronically stored information (ESI). They gain transparency and predictability, including the ability to schedule and budget more accurately. And finally, they can reduce risk by ensuring that reasonable, defensible measures are taken promptly in response to any litigation or even to reduce the mitigations of a data breach.
Join this roundtable discussion to explore:
The benefits of insourcing your e-discovery activities
The advantages of a single end-to-end legal GRC platform to handle all your critical needs
The importance of data discovery technologies to identify and categorise all your data
Mitigating organizational impacts of a data breach
Effectively reduce data volumes requiring review, time spent on collections and data transfers, exposure of important data to security threats
1:30 PM - 1:35 PM Central European Time (CET) | 12:30 PM - 12:35 PM London Time
Closing Remarks & Thank You Note